The 2011 Annual Show was held in Lowdham Village Hall Grounds on Monday August 29th.
The morning’s weather was breezy with patches of drizzle but, by the afternoon, dry and bright weather blew in and we were able to enjoy the outside activities in pleasant conditions. The number of visitors was about the same as in 2009, slightly down on the 2010 attendance.
The strong tradition of horticultural displays, originally started in 1893, continued with classes for vegetables, flowers, fruit, produce, flower arranging and Young People exhibits being displayed in the large marquee.
The photographic section was displayed in the Village Hall with 95 photographs showing Gardeners, Night Time, Berries and Wheels. The handicraft section was staged alongside the photographs.
There was keen competition for the 21 Special Awards and Trophies Lowdham Leisureworld kindly sponsored the top two entries in the Horticultural Sections.
Overall the number of entries in the horticultural classes were up on last year. The newly introduced Novice Classes attracted 14 entries. The photographic entries were up, but the produce and handicraft were slightly down on last year.
During the afternoon we enjoyed the Carlton Brass, a Punch and Judy Show, Aurora’s Carnival, the spectacular Flying Angels and other displays. Following the previous Friday’s rain there was just enough water in the Dover Beck to enable the 140 ducks to swim in the Duck Race!
Frances Finn from Radio Nottingham presented the prizes and was followed by the Raffle and the auction of surplus produce.
Once again a very successful, enjoyable show.