Trip to Doddington Hall

Our first trip of 2013 is planned for Sunday 24th February to Doddington Hall which is near Lincoln. We hope to see their spectacular show of snowdrops and the gardens. We will be leaving Lowdham at approx 10:30am and travelling by coach. There will also be an opportunity to look around the very popular farm shop. There will be time (we hope) for a spot of lunch in the cafe or restaurant.

All are welcome and the cost of the trip is £10 for members and £12 for non members. The price includes both the coach and entry to the gardens. We are hoping for a bright spring day, but it could be chilly so wrap up warm!

For more info. re Doddington Hall see

If you would like more details or to join the trip please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Nicola Macdonald – tel 0115 966 5201 or email



One of the benefits of membership is the 50% discount offered when ordering plants and seeds through the Society from either Dobies or Suttons. We also offer a 10% discount on other gardening items/equipment which are shown in their respective catalogues.

If you ordered anything last year and are still a member then you will receive the catalogues and order forms again this year. The discounts can make a significant saving and this gives you the opportunity to try new varieties of your favourite plants and seeds or to try something entirely new.

If you joined the Society this year and have not previously ordered through us but would like to do so, please let us know and we will send you a catalogue. Why not join the Society to get the benefit of the discounts, with the added pleasure of looking through colourful catalogues and planning for next spring and summer in the garden.

Apple Day in Lowdham village hall – Sunday 21st October 2012

Apple Day - 2012

Lowdham village hall beginning to resemble a fruit market

A most enjoyable and successful event was staged by the society on the ‘national apple day’, being attended by visitors from many areas of the country. There were over 100 varieties of apples on display, plus other fruits such as pears, grapes and even figs. There was apple tasting and fruit identification available. It was pleasing to note that as well as the adults, many children were trying and enjoying the apple tasting experience. For the more ‘discerning palate’, there was cider and perry tasting, this being extremely popular!  The apple press seemed to be a constant source of interest. The society provided rolls for sale which were filled with delicious pork, apple sauce and stuffing. It was noted that the ‘pork crackling’ which was available at the counter seemed to disappear at a fast rate. Further refreshments in the form of hot and cold drinks plus homemade cakes were also available. Also on sale was a large selection of delicious homemade jams. Many other stalls/displays were set up in the village hall, such as for nurseries, beekeepers and the local history society. We hope that everyone attending had an enjoyable and interesting time.  A selection of photographs are available to view on the ‘gallery’ page of this website under ‘Apple Day 2012’.