A fine selection of vegetables
Plant sale in the village
- We have the horticultural society plant sale on Saturday 18th May 2013 in the Lowdham village hall car park from 9.00am to 11.00am. There will be vegetable plants,summer bedding plants, annuals and perennials available. – all at a most reasonable price. Donations of plants are always welcome.
We have two evening visits planned as follows;
- A tour around the Langar wildflower farm on Thursday 13th June 2013
- A visit to ‘Charnwood’, the garden of Kate Foale, (a recent speaker during our series of talks in the village) on Friday 05th July 2013.
Both visits include refreshments, are subsidised for members at £3.00 or for non-members £6.00. Please meet in Lowdham village hall car park at 7.00 p.m. to share transport. If you wish, you may meet us at each location for a 7.30 p.m. start.
Please let me know as soon as possible if you are interested in either visit for catering purposes.
I am planning a visit by coach to the National Trust property and gardens at Waddesdon Manor near Aylesbury in Buckinghamshire on Sunday 15th September – so keep this date free! More details to follow.
IMPORTANT; The date of our ‘summer social’ is now Thursday 11th July at 7.30 p.m. in Lowdham W.I. hall. Invitations are to be sent out soon.
Finally, someone left their entry of a ‘spiky succulent’ plant behind in the village hall after the spring show. It is flowering away happily at my house and I would love to return it to its rightful owner – please let me know if it is yours!
Nicola Macdonald
!!HYPERLINK ” mail to :na246@btinternet.com” or tel no 0115 9665201
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